Your Creation Story

3484944320_e6429d2815Creation is a magickal activity and a holy event. Here’s another assignment and be sure to journal about your experience with this assignment:

Tell me your Creation Story…when you were born…the moments you were transformed in your life…the moments you created a life….or saved a life. Tell it in mythic form in some creative fashion…whether it be a limerick, in micro fiction, or a story book for children, create a mini-play. You could even put together some costumes. Add in some visuals such as a painting or a sculpture to reflect this story in a multidimensional fashion. Find some songs that say something meaningful to your story line.

Then begin research…find a Creation Myth from  world culture that reflects your own story. How could you incorporate your two myths into a ritual to share with others? Write a ritual template. Enact the ritual. Later review your template and make adjustments with its arrangement to improve it. (Should it be longer? Should the ritual be shorter? Should you shuffle the activities for a better comprehension of your message?) Put all your resources into an archival box for safe keeping until annual  use…and add to your materials as the years pass. This is your own creation story, which is reflected among the Gods and is still unfolding…take it out every year at least once and enact some part of it to celebrate yourself.

One thought on “Your Creation Story

  1. Pingback: Day 16: “The Maxakali Creation Story” | Native Tribal Scholars: Native Literature Class

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